Nov 19

Race to Healing – Sunday, February 7, 2021

Race to Healing

RACE to HEALING:  Replay NOW available! 

This panel discussion, held during Black History Month 2021, was the start of a heart-healing initiation and a coming together of all who share a desire for more racial inclusion and diversity in healing and wellness spaces.

Get the recording here….


There’s SHADOW around RACE within western conscious and wellness spaces.

The lack of diversity and representation in these spaces contributes to Black, Indigenous and People of Colour (BIPOC) feeling unwelcomed, othered and unseen.

But we can CHANGE that….


When: Feb 7, 2021 2pm-5pm EST

Where: Online


How much: $40 (CAN) plus applicable fees

**This is a non-profit event. The organizers have donated their time and expertise. Only the panelists and the heart-healing facilitator will receive compensation for their energies.
**We are committed to both paying our panelists fairly and removing any financial barriers to participation for attendees. If you would like to attend but are unable to due to financial challenges, please DM one of the organizers. 
**Your registration includes 30-day access to the recorded event.

Who: The organizers of this event are…

Mia Azani, Atlanta, USA

Lauren Cooney, London, England

Carolyn Lovas, Toronto, Canada

There is SHADOW around RACE within western spiritual, conscious, personal development, sacred sexuality, and wellness (yoga and meditation) communities and industries (conscious and wellness spaces).

Conscious and wellness spaces are NOT always welcoming….

Western conscious and wellness spaces are historically homogenous and well, white.

This lack of diversity and representation contributes to Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour (BIPOC) feeling unwelcomed, othered, and unseen in these spaces.

BIPOC need self-care and healing as much as anyone, if not more than ever.

In the US, Black women in particular deal with a variety of unique stressors from medical and mental health issues to racist microaggressions and police violence, yet they receive much less health and mental health care than their white counterparts.

Despite the need, Black and brown communities’ needs are largely ignored by the conscious and wellness industries.


♦ A NON-JUDGEMENTAL and LOVING space to discuss, acknowledge and address the lack of BIPOC inclusion and diversity in conscious and wellness spaces.


♦ An OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN from Black leaders and wisdom holders about how to create a welcoming, safe, and healing container and better support BIPOC in their unique healing journeys.


♦ A personal and collective initiation into heart-centred racial deconditioning & healing – an opportunity to come together to shift our energies from SEPARATION to WHOLENESS. 



Jerome Braggs….is a gifted Intuitive Channel, Health + Happiness Guide, Inspirational Speaker, Writer, and Self-Love Teacher

Brion and Karen Craig….are both Certified Sexologists, Certified Metaphysical Practitioners, and received their Certification in Authentic Tantra® from the Institute of Authentic Tantra Education.

Monique Ruffin….has dedicated her life’s work to healing and revitalizing the feminine and Goddess energies on the planet by teaching women and men how to activate divine energy within themselves. 



Raffaello Manacorda.…is lead faculty with the International School of Temple Arts, a Tantra teacher, and Daka. He is co-creator of ISTA’s training program for coaches and practitioners in the field of conscious sexuality.



This event is for EVERYONE!

♦ conscious and wellness community leaders, change makers, influencers, and group facilitators who carry a responsibility to create inclusive spaces.


♦ people who attend wellness and consciousness events, festivals, classes and workshops who would like to be part of necessary and heart driven change.


Why is this an important discussion?

Last spring’s renewed Black Lives Matter movement brought greater attention to the harsh systemic injustices faced by the Black community in the US.

Many corporations were forced to examine their own experiences with diversity and how they actively fight racism in the workplace.

It’s now time for the conscious and wellness communities to step up; to up-level; to stand in their authenticity and power around racism, racial desensitization and inclusion.

Empowerment and spiritual work can be key aspects of the decolonization and healing journeys for many marginalized groups, but NOT until issues of inclusion and diversity are brought into the light and addressed and the various barriers to participation are lessened.


♦ Address the places in our collective selves that have gone unconscious around the topics of racial inclusion and diversity.

♦ Invite honest conversations around difficult subjects so we can step into taking responsible, inspired, and heartfelt action as individuals and as a collective.

♦ Offer advice, guidance and inclusive practices and tools for conscious and wellness space-holders so they can:

….create more welcoming and safe containers for all.

….embody anti-racism practices in their work.

….provide more sensitive and loving support for the healing journeys of BIPOC and others.

♦ Inspire change and support conscious and wellness practitioners and leaders to better understand their important role in embracing racial justice, and other forms of justice, as part of their personal and transpersonal journeys.


We will:

♦ Unpack the complicated and historic role colonialism and privilege continue to play in marginalizing BIPOC participation in western conscious and wellness spaces today.

♦ Facilitate difficult but essential conversations around systemic and personal privilege and accountability in conscious and wellness spaces.

♦ Express the importance of showcasing difference in conscious and wellness spaces and the value of bringing in the rich traditions of healing, spirituality, and wisdom of BIPOC heritages.

♦ Address cultural and religious misappropriation in conscious and wellness spaces.

♦ Explore how BIPOC diversity and inclusion intersects with sexual orientation, gender and socioeconomic representation issues in conscious and wellness spaces. Other intersections that are not to be left behind include structural wealth, class, and able-bodiedness.

♦ Discuss ways to move from racial separation to wholeness as a path to raising the vibration and healing of the collective.

ARTWORK: Steve Johnson