Gwendydd’s Bio

Gwendydd Gorchinsky-Lambo, Earth Mother Educator                                                             

The Sacred Crone is always guiding back to a deeper erotic relationship with the Earth Mother and the Cosmic Mother, so that ALL LIFE may be served by how we live our relationships.

Gwendydd’s work all relates to the Earth Mother and Sexuality.

She was gifted with the guardianship of the ancient Algonquin Women’s Water Ceremony, after bringing Dr. Masaru Emoto to present Messages from Water and its research to Quebec.

In 2019, Tom Kenyon and Judi Sion of the Magdalen Manuscript gave her their first permission to teach High Egyptian Alchemy and Sacred Relationship according to the Magdalen.

As one of the founding members of ISTA Ville Marie, Gwendydd illuminated the knowledge that Quebec was originally secretly seeded with Marion energies for the future by those who first came from France to germinate the Templar mission of the Divine Feminine, gifted to them from the ancient Egyptians.

Gwendydd is also a Guardian of the ancient wisdom of Alveoles (breasts of the Mother), an ancient energetic surveying and permaculture system using Sacred Geometry and communion with the Great Mothers. This is an Atlantean oral tradition of the Lnog-Micmaq’ Nation, the peoples of the Memory and she also received permission in 2019 to present this rich body of wisdom.

Gwendydd is also a contributing writer for Dark Matter, Women Witnessing Magazine, an Echo for the Transformational Abilities of the Sexual Earth Mother, a Soil Sorceress, and a Vermicultrix.

She is the mother of three children and has homeschooled two with dyslexia.  A high school math, sex, and environmental education teacher paved the way for her current callings.

As owner of the store TerrÂm(i)es, meaning the Soul Sisters of the Earth,  Gwendydd sells educational and transformational products and teaches and shares her sustainability, spirituality, and sacred sexuality wisdom at her Educational Research Center on Sacred Relationship with Gaia, in Rawdon, Quebec.