Tantra is a way of life.

It begins with the knowledge that in a world of apparent duality, all is one

It’s about recognizing the embodied awareness that is present in everyday moments.

Tantra is about finding the divine ecstasy in love-making and all the moments in-between: from walking on freshly cut grass to eating a juicy fruit; and yes, even in the heartbreak and tears!

Tantra invites you bring consciousness to every moment of life, so that you live with gratitude, and love with an open heart.


Classical Tantra is an ancient spiritual tradition rooted in Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain philosophies. It is a path to liberation (moksha) and enlightenment, emphasizing the union of consciousness (Shiva) and energy (Shakti).

Rather than rejecting the body or material world, Tantra sees them as sacred vessels for spiritual awakening. It integrates ritual, meditation, mantra, breathwork, and energy practices to expand awareness and transcend limitations.

Key aspects of Classical Tantra include:

Non-Dual Awareness – Seeing all of life as divine, with no separation between the sacred and mundane, dark and light, or matter and spirit. 
Energy Cultivation – Awakening kundalini (spiritual energy) through breath, movement, and devotion.
Mantra & Ritual – Using sacred sound and ceremony to access deeper states of consciousness.
Initiation & Lineage – Traditional teachings are passed from master to student through direct transmission.

While some branches incorporate sacred sexuality, Classical Tantra is not solely focused on sex. Instead, it is a comprehensive system for awakening and self-realization.

Neo-Tantra is a modern, embodiment-based evolution of traditional Tantra that emphasizes conscious sexuality, emotional intimacy, and personal empowerment.

Unlike Classical Tantra, which is primarily a spiritual path to enlightenment, Neo-Tantra focuses on using sexual energy as a tool for healing, connection, and transcendence.


Founded in 2021, the Toronto Tantra Festival was created as a sacred space for exploration, connection, and embodiment…

a place where beginners can safely explore, and more advanced folks can dive deeper!

We are conscientious to honour both classical and Neo-Tantra, as well as Taoist and more contemporary sacred sexuality teachings.

The Festival is guided by the principles of:

🔥 Consent & Boundaries – cultivating safety and sovereignty.
🔥 Conscious Communication – fostering deeper connection and awareness.
🔥 Sacredness, Inclusivity, & Sex-Positivity – welcoming and celebrating all bodies, genders, and orientations.

The Festival is an invitation to work with polarity— including the dance of masculine and feminine energies within us all. While all gender expressions are welcome, the Festival encourages you to explore your multidimensional nature: as masculine, as feminine, as both, as neither.

The program is designed so that you can choose your unique journey—whether gentle or intense, clothed or unclothed, in solitude or connection. Nudity and intimate touch are optional parts of the Festival. You are always at choice and our team and facilitators can help you navigate what is authentic for you.


Tantra is a soul-based spiritual journey and welcomes all!

The Toronto Tantra Festival is for those who desire to expand their consciousness around love and sexuality, and for those who dare to go deeper and know themselves better.

We respect and honour the diversity of race, spirituality/religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, ability, or economic background.

Souls from any sexual/relational paths including celibacy, monogamy, and polyamory are invited.

Couples, singles, and relationship groups of any formation are embraced and welcome.

The Festival is for anyone with a desire to...

  • deepen intimacy with themselves and others
  • be more in touch with their body
  • be more aware of their emotions and how to hold them
  • be more present and conscious in their relationships
  • be a more practiced energetic lover
  • connect with like-minded and like-spirited people
  • be more alive and present!

"I’ve spent the better part of my life being ashamed of my sexuality…This journey provides you with the mindset, tools, and the community that allow you to learn, live and understand how to connect deeper, and have fun while doing it! If you’re looking for a place to learn how to get authentically “down and dirty” with yourself and others in a way that works for YOU, then this is the place."