Our program is brimful with offerings and experiences that are designed to awaken, expand, and delight you!

From introductory talks, advanced-level practices and deeply sacred rituals
to expansive and transcendent experiences that explore our COLLECTIVE PULSE theme,
there is something for everyone in this “choose your own adventure” program.

Have a look and start feeling into what you are being called to experience this year!

The detailed schedule will be announced in July.

Visit HERE to learn more about our incredible Facilitation Team.


Grab a cozy spot on the couch in our beloved Heart Centre and let your mind be enriched by the insightful discussions on topics presented by our expert lineup of speakers. Learning has never been so sexy!

Tantra 101: Living in Ecstasy – a great intro talk for those who are brand new to the world of Tantra! Presented by Katrina Bos.

The Consent Culture Talk – sets the tone for the entire festival experience and ensures that everyone feels safe to play, expand and explore! Co-presented by Jovana Soror Mystica, Yanshuf Kadesh, and this year’s festival ambassador, Lourdes Starshower.

Trauma, Kink, & Somatic Healing – our sexual energy is alchemical medicine. When we shed shame around our desires & fantasies and play them out safely, we can heal in profound and mysterious ways. This talk will explain new neurobiological research; teach sensibilities on how our turn-ons can show up in response to stored trauma; and increase your confidence to explore these often misunderstood terrains in safer ways. Presented by Priestess Francesca.

Energetic Dearmouring: How to Recognize Your Defence Strategies and Come Back to Love – a talk exploring the compensatory ways that humans distort their flow of life force energy, based on the approach of Bioenergetics. These distorted patterns of flow result in what are understood as “defence structures”, which shape the ways that we relate, attach, love and have sex. Through recognizing what structures you primarily default to, you will leave with a deeper understanding of how to shift back into a state of presence and love. Presented by Monica Kovacs.

Womb Consciousness – a transmission on the power held by the Womb. In our modern culture, the depth of power and wisdom ‘she’ holds often lives as a mystery to many until either an issue pops up, or one becomes pregnant. This talk aims to share teachings and wisdoms of the Womb and the consciousness therein that are relevant to all, no matter the gender. A transmission that will take you beyond logic and into the mystery herself. Presented by Brittney Guimond.

Portals to God: Sexual Anatomy Masterclass – a 2-hour, deep-dive masterclass on male and female anatomy, and the “secret” portals hidden therein that give one access to heightened, full-body ecstasy and altered states of consciousness. Presented by Lourdes Starshower.

Sacred Whore: The Forbidden Archetype – a panel discussion on possibly the world’s most shunned (and enticing) archetype! The energy of the Sacred Whore is found in myths, stories, Jungian theory and popular culture and is tasted by many who are called to the work of sexual healing. Join us as we discuss this taboo, and how it can play a critical role at a time of global transformation. A panel discussion with Jovana Soror Mystica, Priestess Francesca, and Yanshuf Kadesh.

The Arts of Separation: Uncoupling in Love –  It’s often joked that divorce lawyers see good people at their worst. Regardless of circumstance, waves of change in partnerships are initiatory crossroads that call us into a deeper capacity for love – rather than blaming, shaming, or judging. This talk will give sacred context to the pain of separation and teach a four-pillar framework to “uncouple in love” – all so you can let the alchemical fire of change transform you with some semblance of sanity and grace. Presented by Priestess Francesca.


Our workshop series is an opportunity for experiential learning. Explore your edges, drop into vulnerability, play with power dynamics, meet the elements like never before and  learn to make love to someone from across the room!

Icebreaker: Love & Connection – beautifully playful and carefully crafted exercises quickly help establish a warm & safe environment, inviting participants to connect authentically through vulnerability and intimacy. Emphasis is placed on personal choice and honouring of individual boundaries, with a focus on cultivating deeper listening and communication skills. Welcome to TTF24! Facilitated by Heather Katz.

Embodied Boundaries and Energetic Attunement – an opportunity to learn some foundational resourcing to support your capacity for presence; deepen your exploration of what Yes & No feel like in your body; and learn how to dance with your Truth in connection with others. Fully embody consent culture. Facilitated by Dore Ann.

Shedding the Mask – using the tools of Core Energetics–a form of somatic psychotherapy–you are invited to welcome your primal negativity and pain so that it can be transformed into more authenticity and connection. Explore the 5 main defences and 3 personality layers (The Mask, Lower Self, Higher Self) that block you from responding with your intuitive impulses and radical aliveness.  Facilitated by Sacha Bryce.

Energy Sex – did you know that you have the capacity to make love to someone from across the room? Experience orgasmic bliss coursing through your whole body? This energy body activation is truly a life-changing experience! Learn several playful practices that teach you how to feel more energy and move it through your whole body for higher states of pleasure and ecstasy. Facilitated by Lourdes Starshower.

Kink Meets Tantra: The Cross of Integration – create the ‘cross of integration’ by bringing together the vertical channel of Tantra and the horizontal channel of conscious Kink. Spirit and body meld and merge to achieve a state of expanded awareness and presence, and enhance magnetism and polarity. Facilitated by Jared Wholeheart.

Invoking the Dark Feminine – a transmission and embodied journey into the Dark Feminine to get curious about the resistances, delights, and magnetic power under our skin. Facilitated by Reva Wild.

Mythic Body – an immersive and improvisational storytelling playshop to explore the archetypal and transpersonal roles we embody. A chance to playfully encounter the unconscious patterns we often play out in our lives, while experiencing emotional catharsis and joyful healing through laughter and innocent eroticism. Let your inner child out to explore – and be prepared to gain a new perspective! Facilitated by Amyann Faul.

Surrender: Transcendence Through Bondage – explore liberation of the spirit through physical immobilization. Embark on a journey of bondage, breathwork, sensory play, and trust, ending with some aftercare and decompression. When we are fully held, we can truly let go. No prior experience with rope required. Facilitated by Monica Kovacs.

Soul and Monadic Relating: A Journey Into Deep Intimacy – This advanced workshop provides embodied practices and “experiments” which invite you to go beyond your ego-personality and into soul-based, expansive forms of relating and intimacy. The approach integrates somatic, energetic and touch-based methods. Co-Facilitated by Casey Easton and Jared Wholeheart.

Blissfulness of Being – a hypnotic visualization journey into the subtle layers of your being. You will be guided into a relaxed state where your intentions will be met in the field of possibility. A beautiful experience of energetic receptivity. Facilitated by Artemis Vandevi.

Orgasmic Manifestation – an opportunity to channel your Eros into creating the life of your dreams! Learn to do a sacred solo sex magic practice in a powerful group container. You will be guided through a proven formula to raise your creative lifeforce energy and manifest your highest-aligned dreams and visions. Facilitated by Amyann Faul.

Rise of the United Masculine – ever felt like a lone-wolf? Discover the connection and strength available in brotherhood. Through meaningful exercises and techniques that deepen male bonds, you can start to lower unnecessary guards around other men. Learn presence, embodied expression, vulnerability, and the power available when you attune to the Collective Pulse of the Masculine Heart. Facilitated by Braedyn Stockfish.

Meet the Beast: Eco-Erotic Primal Play – activate the full primal force of your body in a playful, erotic, ferocious exploration of your wild animal nature. From puppy dog piles and languid snakes bathing in the sun, to wolves hunting their prey and lions flirting, you’ll be guided in a wide-ranging experience of meeting the beast within and in others…in a mud pit! Facilitated by Reva Wild.

Heart of Gaia: Nidra & Sound – melt into the heart of the earth and feel yourself vibrating with all of life. In this elemental Nidra (‘sleep yoga’) practice you’ll be guided to connect with nature through the felt-sense, while experiencing a healing soundscape of various instruments. We’ll end the session by using our own voices, toning as one. Facilitated by Monica Kovacs.



The practice series will introduce you to the foundational energetic, somatic, and spiritual techniques that help to activate, clear, and masterfully move Life-Force energy through the body. 

Chakra Shudhi – this practice is a foundational first step on the path of embodied spirituality that has been practiced in India for over 5000 years. Deepen your understanding of your own inner energy. Facilitated by Archana Rama.

Tantra Yoga – a movement practice to bring you into attunement and expand the pleasure potential of your body. Facilitated by Dore Ann.

Shamanic Breathwork – a guided Shamanic Breathwork Journey in the tradition of Linda Star Wolf and Venus Rising Association. Using only the power of breath, old wounds and dysfunctional patterns are released and transformed. Regain lost soul parts, remembering the magic of who you truly are. Facilitated by Lourdes Starshower.

Osho Dynamic Meditation – in this active practice invented by Osho in the 1970’s, you will bring focus to the sensations in your body and release pent-up energy and emotion in order to move into meditative stillness and celebration. Facilitated by Nijen.

Sexual Jedi I – a practical workshop on semen-retention and sexual energy cultivation based on the Taoist Neidan teachings brought to the West by Master Mantak Chia. Part I will focus on standing self-pleasure practice; “rooted” stance; breathing; visualization; pelvic training; and culminate in the “Big Draw” technique. Facilitated by Yanshuf Kadesh.

Sexual Jedi II – building upon Part I, learn how to circulate aroused sexual energy (jing chi) in the body using the Micro-Cosmic Orbit meditation. You will also learn techniques for packing and storing the jing chi in the body. These are preliminary techniques of the Taoist Immortality Practices. Part I not a pre-requisite. Facilitated by Yanshuf Kadesh.

Deep Integrative Surrender – a restorative yoga practice inviting complete surrender, giving the body space to come back to its natural rhythms of integration, rest, repair, and thriving. Using tools of gentle movement, pranayama (breathwork), and chanting, we prepare the mind and body for longer held (5-10 minute) restorative shapes, offering gentle release in joints, tissues and fascia, as well as the whole energy system. Facilitated by Lisa Brodie.

Awaken – breath, sound, and movement medicine that serves to awaken and unleash your sensual, Life Force energy! Enjoy the purification of your body and your subtle energy channels that will inspire the bliss of the collective pulse to ripple through you. Facilitated by Artemis Vandevi.

Kundalini Yoga – a beautiful, transformative yoga that is easy for everyone to do, designed to help release any inner blocks that inhibit the natural flow of your kundalini energy – your Life Force. Learn to ride the natural waves of magnetic energies within you. Facilitated by Katrina Bos.

Kundalini Activation – a powerful yoga and advanced pranayama (breathwork) practice to activate the dormant energy in the lower chakras and help the sacred serpent flow. Clear patterns that no longer serve your highest good and cultivate deeper connection to your own unique light by activating energy flow in your sushumna (central channel). Facilitated by Marda Love.

EFT Tapping Circle – an experiential practice of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), also known as meridian point body tapping. Tapping is an evidence-based method, rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine, shown to reduce stress and help regulate the nervous system. Reduce cortisol levels, down-regulate your nervous system and bring harmony and balance to mind, body and spirit. Facilitated by Sacha Bryce.


Rituals are intentional acts that we can use to make or mark profound shifts in our lives. They are made all the more powerful when we do them together in community. Our rituals this year will offer you an opportunity to heal, explore and meet yourself in the Great Mystery.

Letting Love Lead – a heart dearmoruing ritual designed to dissolve the barriers we create around our hearts and unlock the fuller potential for love in life. Through sacred practices and guided meditation, you’ll gently release the armour around your heart, allowing you to experience deeper connections, vulnerability, and intimacy – at the festival, and beyond! Facilitated by Jaime Verk.

Womb-Heart Ritual – a sacred feminine ritual to awaken and attune to Womb-Heart Coherence. Cultivate deeper self-love, magnetism & receptivity through movement, breath, vagal sounding and ritual arts. Facilitated by Brittney Guimond.

The Alchemy of Grief – an alchemical journey of grief and rebirth – through sound, somatics and shamanic wisdom. Discover the medicine of grief on a journey that includes sound, movement, group exercises, song meditations, and a chakra dance journey. Facilitated by Aeriel Colleen.

Divine Spark: Worship Ritual– do you feel how the divine lives and shines through you? In this beautiful group ritual you will have a chance to invoke and express your own embodied divine spark (god/goddess/divinity), and reverently witness it shine through others in all its many forms! Get ready to have your heart blasted wide open! Facilitated by Stefanie Teitelman.

BRAZEN: The Collective Pulse – enter a self-pleasure ritual where your pleasure is the fuel for heightened states of consciousness. Tune into your own sacred, throbbing life pulse, and expand it outward to make love to the earth, other beings, and the whole universe! Facilitated by Jovana Soror Mystica.

Body Worship – a partnered exploration of each other’s greatest pleasure potential from head to toe! You will be guided in the practice of pleasure-mapping to unlock each other’s bliss and energetic flow. Explore the art of body worship and what is possible when you offer your devotional presence and touch to another. Facilitated by Aeriel Colleen.

Blue Lotus Tea Ceremony – a sacred encounter with the Blue Lotus flower, revered in ancient Egypt for its capacity to open the channels of intuition and inner sight; produce euphoric states; and connect one to the spirit world. Facilitated by Liz Leia.


Temples are a sacred place for togetherness as we celebrate sexual freedom and love.

The Temple of Desire – an immersive and playful group experience where you can boldly ask for what you truly want. Practice setting and respecting boundaries, and savour the freedom that comes when you can clearly and honestly express your desire. Embrace the exhilarating waves of wanting, both as a giver and receiver, and allow yourself to be uplifted by the collective bliss of the group! This is a space where your desires are honoured and where you can discover the profound fulfillment that comes from genuine connection and shared intention. Facilitated by Jaime Verk.

The Void Through Eros – an advanced ritual temple space where you will ride the peaks of Eros into the deep valleys of the Void. This one is for the deep divers! Facilitated by Casey Easton.

Divine Union Temple – a TTF first! A Temple experience devoted to romantic couples. This intentional space of love and Eros will explore how the union of 2 can expand out and create a vibrant energetic field that has the power to transform the world! Facilitated by Katrina Bos.

The New Temple of Love – an open, advanced-level Temple where all forms of energetic, sensual, erotic, and sexual expression and connection are welcomed, with the intention of cultivating the Collective Pulse and rippling it outwards with our prayers for collective healing and liberation. Facilitated by Jovana Soror Mystica and Yanshuf Kadesh.




Intentional Opening and Closing Ceremonies
Ecstatic Church – our signature ecstatic dance
Galactic Sound Bath
Musical performances
Social activities

…and EPIC new experiences that will be announced SOON!